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We at Imagine Edutainment, know the challenges of choosing the right curriculum, especially if you're new to homeschooling! There are thousands of options, so how do you choose? If you're looking for a faith-based curriculum, that narrows the process somewhat. Otherwise, how do you know and choose what's best for your family? For more than 25 years, we've discovered that one single curriculum can't possibly meet the needs of families, particularly if there are multiple ages/grade levels involved. Today's educational resources must have more flexibility. We have what you're looking for! Thoughtful, relevant, practical, and highly creative curriculum that doesn't require hours and hours of planning; is enormously flexible; helps fill the learning gaps traditional education may have left open; offers optional ways of assessing learning retention; provides the ability to focus on the strengths of the student, while developing weaknesses; and MOST importantly, it's FUN so kids LOVE it!

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app


2 Plans Available, From $50.00/month + $50.00 LET'S DO THIS! FEE


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